----- Original Message -----
From: chaouche yacine <yacinechaou...@yahoo.com>
To: "courier-users@lists.sourceforge.net" <courier-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: [courier-users] How to force quota recalculation ?

>root@messagerie[CHROOT][] ~/SCRIPTS/MAIL # ./showquota.single 
>Quota sur la boite aux lettres i.aitahmed
>62.85 Mo /  200.00 Mo ( 31.42% )
>Quota sur les archives
>327.07 Mo /  5120.00 Mo ( 6.38% )
>root@messagerie[CHROOT][] ~/SCRIPTS/MAIL # 

this is showquota.single in the hope that it would be useful to anyone.

root@messagerie[CHROOT][] ~/SCRIPTS/MAIL # cat showquota.single

1       mega=$((1024*1024))
2       inbox="${1%@*}"
3       maildir="/var/vmail/domain.tld/$inbox"
4       backup="/var/vmail/backup.domain.tld/$inbox"
5       [ ! -e $maildir ] && echo "Boite email inexistante. Veuillez vérifier 
encore une fois l'orthogrape de $in...@domain.tld" && exit 1
6       function get_quota {
7         mailfolder="$1"

8         # then
9         #   echo "Aucune boite email portant ce nom. Veuillez vérifier 
10        #   exit 128
11        # fi
12        maildirsize="$mailfolder/maildirsize" 
13        fields=$(echo $(head -2 $maildirsize))
14        max="${fields%%S*}"
15        cur="$(echo $fields | cut -f2 -d ' ')"
16        ratio=$(echo "scale=2; $cur * 100 / $max" | bc)
17        cur=$(echo "scale=2; $cur / $mega" | bc)
18        max=$(echo "scale=2; $max / $mega" | bc)
19        echo "$cur Mo /  $max Mo ( $ratio% )"
20      }
21      echo Quota sur la boite aux lettres $inbox
22      get_quota "$maildir"
23      echo Quota sur les archives
24      get_quota "$backup"
25      echo 

root@messagerie[CHROOT][] ~/SCRIPTS/MAIL # 

users of this script should change the maildir variable and comment out lines 4 
and 24 as they are specific to my setup.

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