Hello Sam and *,

I am just migrating to a new infrastructure and run into a problem  with
courier if I have a network error and one of the storage servers is  not

I run Debian GNU/Linux 7.11 with courier-mta 0.68.2-1  and  courier-imap

If one of the storage servers go down,  courier  fails  to  deliver  ANY
messages on ALL storage servers.

The home are mounted like


and I use

storage00.example.com   /storage00      nfs     
_netdev,rw,bg,intr,hard,tcp,vers=4      0       0

which should work.  Currently I use  PAM  authentication,  but  want  to
switch to SQL auth, which I currently do not know, how to do  this  with

>From my point of view, courier should accept the message as long  as  it
can find the <user> per PAM or  SQL  and  deliver  the  message  to  the
~/Maildir/ when it is availlable.

Any suggestions or ideas whats wrong here?

Note:  The <dns1>, <dns2> and <dns3> are in 3  different  countries  and
       data centers and the storage servers <storrageXX>, the mailserver
       <mail> and the PostgreSQL Server <pgsql> are in one countrie  and
       2 different datacenters.

       The NFS is tunneld trough SSH.

Have anice day

Michelle Konzack        ITSystems
GNU/Linux Developer     0033-6-61925193

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