On 17/01/17 06:59, Ben Kennedy wrote:
>> Has anyone tried this with courier-mta?
> I have nothing to contribute except to add my interest to this as
> well. I've been running SpamAssassin for years, but with poorer and
> poorer results, and have been keen to find an alternative.

FWIW atm I only use spamprobe via maildop using 2 IMAP retraining
folders (super simple setup, no ram hogging daemons) and out of ~30
spams per day I get about 2 or 3 spams per week that get through to
my Inbox. But its taken a year of training to get to this point.

> I'd not heard of rspamd; looks like it could be the thing.

It's a monster unto itself and the only way I've got it to work is
by installing mailcow-dockerized which I'm trying to "flatten" out
so it doesn't require docker containers. It's not as light as I
hoped it might be but it should be fast being written in C by a
Russian (shades of nginx.) This is it's startup state and it will
spawn many more processes under load but it's still only half as
much as spamassassin would use...

ps -eo rss:10,vsz:10,cmd --sort=rss | grep rspamd

       4580     327444 rspamd: hs_helper process
       5648     327436 rspamd: main process
      59664     402564 rspamd: controller process
      60300     478416 rspamd: normal process

In the postfix world it's called via rmilter (which also uses
redis for caching so that is another ram sinkhole)...

main.cf:smtpd_milters = unix:/var/run/rmilter/rmilter.sock

which has this rspamd config option in /etc/rmilter.conf...

spamd {
   extended_spam_headers = yes
   servers = r:localhost:11333;
   reject_message = "Spam message rejected; If this is not spam contact abuse";
   whitelist =,, [::1]/128;

so rspamd is expected on localhost:11333 and runs quite a range
of tests including a baysean filter and also uses LUA to provide
a huge level of configurability...

classifier "bayes" {
   tokenizer {
     name = "osb";
   cache {
     path = "${DBDIR}/learn_cache.sqlite";
   statfile {
     symbol = "BAYES_HAM";
     path = "${DBDIR}/bayes.ham.sqlite";
     spam = false;
   statfile {
     symbol = "BAYES_SPAM";
     path = "${DBDIR}/bayes.spam.sqlite";
     spam = true;
   learn_condition =<<EOD
return function(task, is_spam, is_unlearn)
[... the rest of an embedded LUA function ...]

then dovecot has hooks to call into rspamd for retraining...

dovecot.conf:  antispam_mail_sendmail = /usr/local/bin/rspamd-pipe

which can take advantage of the dovecot-antispam plugin that
dynamically retrains spam when items are moved in or out of a
Junk folder (interesting use of curl)...

if [[ ${2} == "learn_spam" ]]; then
/usr/bin/curl --data-binary @- http://localhost:11334/learnspam < /dev/stdin
elif [[ ${2} == "learn_ham" ]]; then
/usr/bin/curl --data-binary @- http://localhost:11334/learnham < /dev/stdin
exit 0

I haven't got this all working properly yet to even begin to know
how to hook this into courier-mta.

One thing I've learned from messing around with postfix/dovecot the
past month or so is that courier-mta (inc Sam and this list) is the
BEST most efficient MTA/IMAP combo by far. Unfortunately with the
lack of uptodate (*buntu) packages and zero PHP management frontends
I find I have to try and become... ambidextrous.

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