WHERE is very excited to see more interest in this topic and to support the
advance of coworking we are offering free usage of our space to those who
are working on their thesis on coworking.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Cameron <sy.kash...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all!
> First off, this is a fabulous group, and I love the coworking idea!
> I'm an MBA student and I need to choose a topic to write a
> profitability/feasibility analysis on for a class, and am interested
> in writing about this concept, but wondering about the profitability.
> I've researched a lot, and it seems like people have different
> answers... a lot say its not profitable since its the community aspect
> that's appealing, while others say it can be profitable if you do it
> right (what IS considered right is the question?).
> I don't want to start a repetitive post, but I would love to hear from
> those of you who have experience with running/owning a coworking spot.
> Do you break even? If you go beyond break even, is it by much? Is
> there anyone who is experiencing growth even with the recession? What
> are your membership plans? Does being profitable have to do with
> charging for extra services? Most of all, is this a business that one
> should approach with a mind frame of making money or with one of
> community, or both?
> Don't worry about answering EVERY question... I'm just trying to be as
> through as I can be in my research! I would be happy to post my
> findings once it's all done! :)
> Any help would be awesome!
> Thanks in advance!
> Cam :)
> >

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