Hi Kimberly - it seems like you might not be receiving my direct emails, 
I'm not sure why not though!

Your question is great and I want to make sure its seen by the most people, 
so I wanted you to post it to the new discussion platform at 
forum.coworking.org. That's taking the place of the Google group, which we 
will finish migrating very soon!

 I'll forward you the contents of your original post so you can copy it 
into the forum once you create an account there. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!


On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 9:48:16 AM UTC-4, Kimberly Kubalek wrote:
> This message is relevant to everyone, but particularly the spaces, like 
> mine, run by expats in foreign countries. 
> I have been a huge supporter of Coworking since I met Tony Bacigalupo a 
> few months after he first opened his space in NYC so many years ago. I knew 
> after seeing that space that I wanted to open a space as well. It took me 
> many years, I did it. I live in San Miguel de Allende Mexico and I opened 
> my space 3 years ago. 
> Because my Spanish is poor, and because I knew community growth was key, I 
> targeted membership to expats and English speaking visitors. Which is not 
> say we limited it this way, only that the community I developed all seemed 
> to speak English, so those were the members we attracted. We were 
> successful - being the #1 rated city in the world by Travel + Leisure 
> helped and lots of interesting folks popped in to work and often folks 
> moved here permanently (with or without legal permission, many people come 
> in on a tourist visa and stay for years). 
> I am working on a plan for a much larger, more sophisticated space and I 
> have concerns about expats and visitors who have no legal authorization to 
> be "working" while in Mexico. Our laws are quite clear, you may not work in 
> Mexico, online, in your home, etc., without authorization or without a 
> permanent resident visa. I think all international coworking spaces are 
> going to have to face this one. Do you ask your members if they have 
> permission to work in your country? Do you feel you can protect your 
> members when government officials come in and ask to see your members 
> documents? Are you concerned about liability? 
> I think this a valid concern and I'd like to hear from other space owners. I 
> do not want to be a hunting ground for officials looking for people 
> breaking the law - and who would want to work in a coworking space where 
> they knew the government was going to come around and ask to see visas?! What 
> do you do to make sure the people working in your space have the right to 
> work there? Does it matter to you at all? Do you think it should matter? 
> I was just in Austin for 3 months and coworked all over, no one ever 
> asked. Not one coworking space ever asked if I had permission to work in 
> the USA while I was there. If someone works out of your space and is not 
> legally entiled to be working in your country, is that an issue you think 
> about? Does this issue concern you? 
> Thanks in advance for your feedback, 
> Kimberly 
> Kimberly Kubalek, Owner
> Espacio Coworking - San Miguel de Allende
> +52 415 150 1069 MEX Office
> +52 415 167 4566 MEX Cell
> +1 858 367 0102 USA Voicemail

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