
When I try to install the Tk::AnstractCanvas module, I get a dependency
problem because the module is dependant on itself:

  $ cpan Tk::AbstractCanvas
  CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.18)               
  [ ... ]
    CPAN.pm: Going to build P/PI/PIP/Tk-AbstractCanvas-1.0.56BHMOt.tgz
  Checking whether your kit is complete...
  Looks good
  Checking prerequisites...
   - ERROR: Tk::AbstractCanvas is not installed
  ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES.  You may wish to install the versions
  of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation
  Creating new 'Build' script for 'Tk-AbstractCanvas' version '1.0.56BHMOt'
  ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
  ----   PIP/Tk-AbstractCanvas-1.0.56BHMOt.tgz  ----
      Tk::AbstractCanvas [requires]
  Shall I follow them and prepend them to the queue

Any idea how to work around that problem?

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