Alan McKay <> writes:
> The basic problem is this : how to keep numerous machines with the
> same CPAN installation?  i.e. same modules installed across all boxes.
> […]
> What are you all doing for this?

I am using 

 - a local CPAN::Mini mirror on NFS
 -'s distroprefs-feature which automates even most insistently
   written dialogs via Expect
 - PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--defaultdeps

It still has the problem of finetuning until everything works
everywhere for different versions of Perl, different architectures,
different Perl-Config (like thread support), etc., but it is the best
base principle I had for the last years.

The most stressful thing there is “bootstrapping” itself
generically for old and newer Perls (5.8..5.12), i.e., installing the
latest Bundle::CPANxxl, copy the distroprefs subdir from it's tgz
somewhere and configuring it.

For the last issue, my “bootstrap” script has lots of lines like this:

 echo "o conf auto_commit 1 ; o conf commit" | $PERL -MCPAN -e shell
 echo "o conf ftp_passive 1 "                | $PERL -MCPAN -e shell
 echo "o conf prefs_dir '$HOME/.cpan/prefs'" | $PERL -MCPAN -e shell
 echo "o conf urllist unshift file:///nfs/MINICPAN " | $PERL -MCPAN -e shell


Good luck.
Kind regards,
Steffen Schwigon <>
Dresden Perl Mongers <>

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