In case any of you didn't hear, Leon Brocard has put out a release
candidate for perl 5.005_05:

He wants people to build it on as many platforms, toolchains, compilers
etc as possible and run the tests.

I was going to also run all the distributions that have PASSes with
5.005_04 through it (there are 90 of them) but there's a problem.
CPAN::Reporter needs a shiny new, which in turn needs
Scalar-List-Utils, which won't build.

But if anyone can get CPANPLUSish testing working on it, I'm sure Leon
would be delighted to receive any fail results :-)

To get the list of distributions to test ...

  SELECT DISTINCT dist, version
    FROM cpanstats
   WHERE perl='5.5.4' AND

is what you need to ask Barbie's cpan testers database.

David Cantrell | Reality Engineer, Ministry of Information

    Fashion label: n: a liferaft for personalities
    which lack intrinsic buoyancy

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