On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 09:52:16PM +0200, nadim khemir wrote:

> If Perl is to be enterprise worthy someday, it has to allow companies to smoke
> their own modules using the same mechanism as standard perl modules but beind 
> a privacy curtain. My belief is that the whole toolchain shouls be 
> installable in a private setup. PAUSE, CPAN, searc.cpan, smoking, RT, ....

Perl is "enterprise" worthy right now, in that companies use it and rely
on it to make lots of money.

Of those, CPAN, smoking and RT *are* installable privately anyway.  Not
sure about PAUSE.  Our own experience where I work is that we don't need
a PAUSE, as we have CVS for day-to-day work, and a release management
process that code goes through before anything else can rely on it.

search.cpan.org's source isn't available, but Kobesearch is - it's
what's behind http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/.  But again, we've found that
it's not needed for our private repository.

David Cantrell | Reality Engineer, Ministry of Information

  Sobol's Law of Telecom Utilities:
    Telcos are malicious; cablecos are simply clueless.

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