On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 06:25:12PM +1100, Sisyphus wrote:

> If, say, your Inline working directory is /home/david/.inline ... and you 
> test Inline::CPP ... and after the tests have been run the config file in 
> /home/david/.inline does *not* get cleaned up, then when you subsequently 
> test PDL, the inlinepdlpp.t tests are bound to fail because that 
> pre-existing config file (that the Inline::CPP tests wrote) won't specify 
> 'Pdlpp'.

Inline::Pdlpp can reasonably expect users to also be using Inline::CPP.
The only time I would expect Inline::Foo to fall over because of
Inline::Bar is if Inline::Bar left some broken thing behind.

See my other messages for why that's not a realistic test.

> 2) Provide a separate Inline working directory for each inline-ish module 
> that is tested.

That would probably require a patch in Inline itself - unless ...

> It looks like the next devel release of PDL might try to set the Inline 
> working directory to a specific directory other than the 

But in the interests of avoiding duplication of work - and the
consequent bugs - it would be better if Inline itself did this, I think.

>                        However, I suspect that the PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY 
> environment variable might override that setting.

I would think you'd be OK.  Simply wrap any access to Inline-ish things
in something like ...

{ local %ENV;

(you can localise %ENV, right?)

> [Ingy not handing over maintenance or doing another release]

Any particular reason why you don't think he'd do that?

David Cantrell | Reality Engineer, Ministry of Information

  Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla.

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