On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 08:56:41AM +0200, Ingo Lantschner wrote:

> sorry for asking this here - I could not find a better place yet. I am 
> trying to use Module::Bulid to distribute a script. So far I found a way 
> to test and install at least the pl-script but I got stuck with copying 
> the cnfiguration-file to the home-dir of the installing user. Also the 
> pl-script is copied in some bin-dir under .../cpan|ActivePerl and not 
> /usr/local/bin.

If you hard-code it to install in /usr/local/bin, then it won't work for
users who don't have permission to write there.  For example, at work I
have a ~/perl-5.8.8/bin directory, which is in my path.  And that's
where scripts get installed from the CPAN.  CPAN.pm is responsible for
telling EU::MM / M::B where to put stuff.

David Cantrell | top google result for "topless karaoke murders"

"IMO, the primary historical significance of Unix is that it marks the
time in computer history where CPUs became so cheap that it was possible
to build an operating system without adult supervision."
                         -- Russ Holsclaw in a.f.c

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