On Fri, Jul 09, 2010 at 02:54:13PM +0100, Nigel Horne wrote:

> >No, the latest is 2.017001, and there doesn't appear to have ever been a
> >2.6.  Note that 2.6.0 == 2.006000 != 2.6.
> 2.6.0 is the closest, it was produced in April 2008.

No it isn't.  If you remember that 2.6.0 == 2.006 and 2.17.1 == 2.017001
then ...

2.6.0 < 2.17.1 < 2.6

If you ask for version 2.6, the closest you can possibly get at the
moment is 2.017001.

There are two bugs here.  First, DBD::Pg doesn't use proper version
numbers; second, whatever module it was that depends on it needs to use
the same silly format for declaring the version number as is used by the
stuff it depends on.

David Cantrell | London Perl Mongers Deputy Chief Heretic

PERL: Politely Expressed Racoon Love

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