Hi All

I was looking to fire up some cpan smokers, but adding yet another linux i386/amd64 smoker probably isnt needed. In the past i have run DragonflyBSD and OpenBSD smokers.

Looking through the list it's clear that there is a lot of coverage across a lot of different platforms, but its not clear which ones are deficient etc.

On top of os+arch, there are also obviously a range of different ways you can compile perl - made far easier with perlbrew - which also need testing.

Hence I wonder if there is something a matrix that shows deficiencies in testing coverage, which will give people like myself a quick list of platforms we could fire up in a VM (or old hardware we could beg/borrow/steal/ebay)

I guess in an ideal world, list out every known supported OS and hardware, then multiply that out by all the different perl compilation variations. From that list it could then be determined which platforms are keeping up with the testing and which are lagging behind. That list could then give the curious and willing something to work with?


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