> On Sep 9, 2016, at 2:33 AM, Linda A. Walsh <l...@tlinx.org> wrote:
> Doug Bell wrote:
>> The cpanratings site isn't part of search.cpan.org either. It's its own 
>> thing which appears to be part of the perl.org infrastructure/
> ---
>   I can't see that, since the ratings appear on the search site.  
> search.cpan.org includes the ratings, and is incorporating the ratings as
> part of the search results.  So I can't see them as being completely separate
> or unrelated.

It is confusing, yes, since the integration is good enough to appear seamless, 
but search.cpan.org is just consuming an API that cpanratings provides. For 
better or worse, there's a whole ecosystem of different websites that provide 
information on CPAN distributions, but that's not important to the question of 
"Where do I send a bug report or feature request for cpanratings?"

> given that this discussion was redirected to the module-authors group, maybe
> this discussion belongs there

It doesn't really belong there either. You've got to talk to the people running 
cpanratings, and they've provided an e-mail and a Github issue tracker to do so.

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