Thanks!; I was missing your call to perl to start the reporter.  I tried to
build an Alien::* module that I knew would fail, (Alien::SVN to be
specific) and it appeared in the logs.

On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 7:50 AM Charlie Gonzalez <>

> Hello Robert,
> In this email:
> I posted some steps ( also pasted below )  I took when setting up my
> windows virtual machines for smoking cpan. Make sure you set up full
> control permissions on c:\tmp  and c:\Strawberry directories. In step 4
> you will execute " o conf init test_report" which is the command that sets
> up your metabase_profile and other configurations for submitting your cpan
> reports.
> 1- Download and install the version of Strawberry Perl you want to test (
> - I used the recommended Perl
> versions in msi edition )
> 2- create a C:\tmp directory
> 3- Set permissions to Full control on C:\tmp and C:\Strawberry
> 4- execute 'cpan' command on a command prompt or powershell terminal ( your
> preference )
>   cpan> install Task::CPAN::Reporter
>   cpan> install CPAN::Reporter::Smoker
>   cpan> reload cpan
>   cpan> o conf init test_report
> 5- open powershell and start the smoker:
>    perl -MCPAN::Reporter::Smoker -e start
> Hope this helps.
> Charlie Gonzalez
> (E)
> Github Profile <>
> On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 9:55 PM Robert Ryley <>
> wrote:
>> I've installed Strawberry Perl 5.26.1 on a Windows 10 laptop and wanted
>> to submit some test reports.
>> I followed the directions for the CPAN::Reporter module (including the
>> c:\tmp workaround) and it appeared to be working as it asks me if I want to
>> send reports to the metabase, allows me to view and edit them (in notepad)
>> etc.  Yet I never see the report in the log.txt file, nor in the matrix.
>> Can anyone give some advise on how to troubleshoot this?
>> FWIW: This is similar to the issue mentioned on this list in August 2018:
>> It is also similar to this post from 2015

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