On 22/04/2022 07:30, Neil Bowers wrote:
I’d hold fire on doing anything for a couple of days – there has been an extra-time objection to my taint change, which may result in it being reverted.

I’ll update you here once it’s resolved either way.

I thought that objection was just about how the user is asked about it when configuring interactively. But in any case, I have another potential minor objection - but whether it's a p5p thing or a CPAN::Reporter thing I don't know:

$ ./blead Tie::Scalar::Decay
CPAN::Reporter: Test result is 'pass', 'make test' no errors.
CPAN::Reporter: preparing a CPAN Testers report for Tie-Scalar-Decay-1.1.1
CPAN::Reporter: sending test report with 'pass' via Metabase

$ ./blead-no-taint Tie::Scalar::Decay
CPAN::Reporter: Test result is 'pass', 'make test' no errors.
CPAN::Reporter: preparing a CPAN Testers report for Tie-Scalar-Decay-1.1.1
CPAN::Reporter: this appears to be a duplicate report for the test phase:

Note that CPAN::Reporter can't tell from what's in its list of previously sent reports that this is a different perl built with different options. Building with and without -Utaint_support makes no difference to `archname`, which is what CPAN::Reporter uses to tell the difference between eg threaded and non-threaded, or normal float vs longdouble vs quadmath builds.

I'm not sure whether this difference should show up in archname or not, but if it shouldn't then CPAN::Reporter will need an update so it can dig it out of Config.pm. It appears to only exist in config_args.

David Cantrell

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