Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
> Those of you who were at Birmingham heard me go on and on about my burning
> desire to replace the use of YAML in CPAN dist metadata with JSON.  I'd be
> happy to review the reasons, but for now I'll take it for granted that we all
> know them and agree.  That certainly seemed to be the case amongst the crowd 
> at
> QA09.

I remain the loyal opposition.  Not as fiercely as with TAP, since META.json
is intended more for machines than TAP is and so the benefits do not so
clearly outweigh the complexity of parsing YAML.

> Today I updated my proof of concept (and/or civil disobedience dist)
> JSON-Meta-CPAN, which makes all the three common build tools (Module::Build,
> Module::Install, and ExtUtils::MakeMaker) optionally produce JSON instead of
> YAML.  With the new version, dists will not produce a META.yml, but will
> *instead* produce a META.json.  I have also updated my own build system,
> Dist::Zilla, to do the same when asked.

I'll take a patch to MakeMaker to do that on demand.

> Next steps include:
>   * update PAUSE to prefer META.json to META.yml if available
>   * update CPAN.pm to look at (MY)?META.json
>   * update CPANPLUS.pm to do the same
>   * update the build tools to generate (MY)?META.json by default

>   * update the META spec to demand JSON
>   * declare META.yml a legacy file

I would prefer to still able to produce META.yml but I understand not wanting
to saddle parsers with having to deal with two protocols.  I suppose there's
nothing stopping me from spitting out both.

...they shared one last kiss that left a bitter yet sweet taste in her
mouth--kind of like throwing up after eating a junior mint.
    -- Dishonorable Mention, 2005 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
           by Tami Farmer

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