When I set out the timeline for revisions to the CPAN Meta Spec, I was
anticipating closing the public comments at the end of October and
finalizing the spec at the end of November.

Fortunately for Perl, but unfortunately for me, our new pumpking,
Jesse Vincent,  announced on Halloween a Perl core feature freeze
three weeks later (i.e. this weekend).  Getting Module::Build and
other bits of the toolchain ready for that has sucked up the time I
was hoping to use to synthesize the patches for consistency and get
the working group to discuss them.  (I would expect that members of
the working group are similarly distracted with a last-minute surge
prior to the freeze.)

Therefore, I'm extending the timeline for the CPAN Meta Spec revisions
by one month, and will be aiming to distribute a draft to the working
group by the end of November and to finalize the new spec by Jan 1.

-- David

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