On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 8:07 PM, James E Keenan <jk...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Specifically, how should I install and use tools like:
> * perlbrew
> * cpanm

Though I hear good things about plenv (and might start there if I were
starting over) my experience to date is with perlbrew, so I'll
describe that.

I would bootstrap perlbrew following the instructions on perlbrew.pl.
(Be sure to modify your .bashrc or whatever to load perlbrew functions
into your shell.)

Then I would use a script along these lines to install each perls that
I would be working with:


That is an UNTESTED modification of my regular "newperl" script,
without using a local library on top of perlbrew, which I stole from
rjbs and have come to regret (for reasons I won't elaborate on here.)

I encourage you to look closely at the steps, which you can do
manually or change as you see fit.  (Or that you'll need to debug if
my stripping out the local-lib code had a bug.)

You'll see variables for modules to install, modules to force, etc.
Modify those as desired.  It installs cpanm automatically for each
perl, which miyagawa recommends over the cpanm that perlbrew can
install.  (So don't do "perlbrew install-cpanm").

Assuming you save it as "newperl", it would work something like this:

    $ newperl 18.2

That would grind for a while installing Perl 5.18.2, but naming it for
perlbrew purposes as "18.2".


    $ perlbrew switch 18.2

Would make v5.18.2 your active perl in the current shell and the
default perl for any new shell.  For temporary use (assuming you've
run "newperl 16.3"):

    $ perlbrew use 16.3

That makes v5.16.3 your perl for the current shell only.

There are some other little features, like "newperl 18.2t" should
install a threaded version of v5.18.2 as "18.2t" so you can "use
18.2t" to make that active.

Perlbrew appears to have an "install-multiple" command that can
install threaded/non-threaded variants, etc. but that feature
postdates my own automation so I haven't bothered.

Hope that helps,

David Golden <x...@xdg.me>
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