On 23 March 2014 04:31, James E Keenan <jk...@verizon.net> wrote:

> And I have added: 'source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc' to the end of my
> ~/.bash_profile file.  (AAMOF, it's the only entry yet in that file.)

This might be the cause, I have that stanza in ~/.bashrc instead

And this seems to make a difference.

Because ~/.bashrc is sourced each time bash is spawned, but ~/.bash_profile
is only sourced under *login* shells, which means you have to do `bash -l`
to load perlbrew into ENV

And this matters, because without the perlbrew bashrc magic, `perlbrew
switch` is a command, while with the perlbrew bashrc magic, `perlbrew` is a
shell function.

type -t perlbrew


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