Hi Jens,

* Jens Rehsack <rehs...@gmail.com> [2014-06-02 13:30]:
> * Karen Etheridge <p...@froods.org> [2014-06-02 01:30]:
> > I'm wondering why it isn't always possible to split a dist into two
> > implementations, one PP and the other with XS optimizations. If the
> > dist simply cannot be implemented using pure Perl (Moose, for
> > example), then surely the right thing to is simply refuse to install
> > on PP systems?
> Eg. LMU - you cannot split out LMU::XS for historical reasons.

how come? Is there a technical difficulty with that? What prevents it?

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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