On 3 May 2015 at 07:03, Stefan Seifert <n...@detonation.org> wrote:

> What would that mean from a user perspective? Would one be able to mix
> Test::More and Test::More2 (and higher level modules based on them) in the
> same test file?

I initially thought this was desirable, but am now against that idea, and
am leaning in favour of "They should be mutually exclusive by design".

Part of that is because Having a higher level module be a fool and change
which one it is based on would be a big no-no (the Dancers Dilemma),
because that would essentially be moving the same "New system breaks
existing code" to be hidden until some higher level module  causes that to
transpire for you, despite you not actually changing any of your code.

Hence I'm in a mind now that unless a .t file explicitly states that it
wants to support both systems ( with the old system being implemented in
terms of the new ), then it should not be supported, and the code should
fail, instead of giving a weak promise of "we tried" and hoping the test
results are accurate.


*KENTNL* - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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