On 9 May 2015 at 09:54, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <philippe.bru...@free.fr>

> Simple template with basic HTML around.
> For now, only markdown format is supported, but I intend to support
> additional formats as needed.

I think some of this question I was looking for information as to how the
document hierarchy itself was layed out.

I get the impression that so far, everything will just be boiled into a
top-level list under a H1 for that origin.

I'm not sure that's ideal, but it works for now.

Some people have voices that they still want to issue their own stuff to
CPAN, and they see CPAN.io more a federation system like the enlightened
perl Ironman deal, instead of a publishing platform.

But to me, the important elements are "get it working as best as possible
with the least amount of work, now", and giving people the ability to
choose whether they want to go the CPAN route or go the CPAN.io route and
having both of them "viable" is much, much superior than sitting around
waiting for the perfect publishing platform to manifest.

So, my TODO list:

1. Draft a contribution / purpose guideline for display on CPAN.io
2. Reign in my existing Policy:: namespace draft documentation to be more
restrictive and discourage CPAN publishing, and instead prioritize pointing
to the CPAN.io contribution guide, while outlying the most clear path one
should take if one wishes to publish to CPAN anyway. ( The present draft in
pre-cpan.io mode is here : https://github.com/kentfredric/Policy )


*KENTNL* - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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