On 28 February 2016 at 00:06, Peter Rabbitson <ribasu...@cpan.org> wrote:
> <ribasushi> perhaps rethinking "Meta for end-user install purposes" and
> "Meta for meta" would solve most of the recent repeated breakages by "oh
> downstream doesn't like this new thingymagic"


I've been frustrated by this myself, the large amounts of auxilliary
data just makes decoding the META needlessly complicated.

And its amplified by Dzil needlessly documenting both install-relevant
and not-install-relevant data in *both* META.yml and META.json ( esp:
x_Dist_Zilla )

I've even compensated by using a YAML generator filter that excludes
x_* just to reduce my dist-size.

And this seems even more relevant in a static-install future where all
install is META driven.


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