On 03/01/2016 11:19 PM, David Golden wrote:
On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 4:35 PM, Peter Rabbitson <ribasu...@cpan.org <mailto:ribasu...@cpan.org>> wrote:

    Imagine you get a random checkout of some dist and/or extract a
    tarball. Aside from running `perl Makefile.PL` and visually
    checking what is missing, there is nothing semi-standard that will
    answer "what do I feed to | cpanm, so that prove -l will work".

cpanm --installdeps .

Yes I am aware of the above.

Is there something for passive (non-installing) listing *besides* the Module::Install / Dzil examples I showed in the original email?
Does Module::Build offer something similar?
Or "that's about it" ?

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