I wrote:

> What is your EVIDENCE that right now, today,
> in the USA, this technology is on-line, and
> in use such that your claim that someone who
> buys a money order can be identified in three
> days.  No coulda, woulda, shoulda, but
> documentation that supports this fanciful
> claim.

To which Jim replied [emphasis, mine]:

> What was that sporting event again?...
> I'd VENTURE...The technology exists.
> Consider the police in LONDON...Consider
> ...Photo identification and management is
> a primary GOAL in every one of them...the
> system is here and with sufficient
> motivation the priority to apply COULD
> arranged...My SUSPICION is...The primary
> factor WILL be IF the particular local...

Hmm, lots of coulda, woulda, shoulda, but NO citations, NO documentation, NO
evidence.  Res ipsa loquitur.

Jim, come up with some evidence and we'll talk.  Otherwise, I'm just going
to let you continue to make a damned fool of yourself without further

 S a n d y

If the law of gravity is fundamental, why can’t it be changed
by Constitutional amendment since it’s the primary authority?

                           W         W
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