At 05:23 AM 4/19/2001 -0700, Blank Frank wrote:
>              Protesters have dubbed the barrier the "Wall of Shame''
>              and
>              liken to it to the Berlin Wall as a symbol of oppression
>              and
>              division.

The Berlin wall kept prisoners in.  This wall keeps attackers out.

There is an interesting, and quite deliberate, symbolic historical echo
here.  The wall for the most part runs along an old fortification, a
fortification created long ago to defend a frontier entrepot town against
attackers who wished to loot the trading post, a wall created to protect
trade against brigands and violent monopolists sponsored by hostile states.

         James A. Donald

We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because 
of the kind of animals that we are. True law derives from this 
right, not from the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.

http://www.jim.com/jamesd/     ; James A. Donald

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