On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Ray Dillinger wrote:

> The only sticking point is the exercise of violence -- and even 
> there, it is possible to create a system that issues warrants only 
> when a large number of people agree that it's the right thing to 
> do.  If we posit that an ordinary citizen, if they so desired, 
> could take a police-action warrant and execute it, thereby claiming 
> the 'cash attached to the action, then the last necessary government 
> employee becomes simply a contractor. 

It's cheaper to run a court and a cop than run around trying to tie 'large
number of people' down for every traffic ticket. At some point they've got
to quit worrying about giving 'equal say' (one sort of democracy) and use
'equal representation' (which is another sort all together). We happen to
have a Constitution that through the 1st gives us both (in principle


                The solution lies in the heart of humankind.

                                          Chris Lawson

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
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