Title: You signed up back in May for our free cruise tickets for two

-Fabulous Cruise Awaits-

Dear cypherpunks,

    According to our records, [EMAIL PROTECTED] was registered back in May for our FREE cruise packages for two.

Congratulations, you WON!!!  One of our free Cruise Package tickets will be delivered to you within 7-10 days via US Mail.  You must click on the link below and fill out the information exactly as it will appear on your tickets.  You may leave the second party blank if you are not sure who will be going with you, but you must contact us via telephone at least 10 days prior to departure with the second passenger's name.  Complete details on your prize package will be included in a brochure that will be delivered to you.

    Please keep in mind that there are at least 50 winners of this trip and it might take me a little while to get back to you.

Thanks a lot,


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