At 08:15 PM 04/17/2001 -0400, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>A brief data point to add to Bill's interesting post:
>I had dinner with someone from during my not-exactly-voluntary
>visit to the Seattle area recently. He told me (this is from memory)
>that Usenet is now on the order of 300 GB/day and they get a full feed.
>90 percent is binaries.

Gakkk..  That's ~27 megabits/second, over half a T3.
I remember when I could *read* all of Usenet,
and later when I could at least print out everything
except and read it on paper :-)

If you assume only 10% is text typed by real people,
that's still 2.7 million words/minute, 24 hours/day,
which is probably a couple hundred thousand people.
Maybe a higher fraction of the text is bots,
or quotes from previous material getting repeated a lot.
But still, wow.

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