How would you like to turn $20 a month into a monthly
residual income that will exceed all your expectations.

This is it, the one you can retire on!! IF you can refer
7 people and they can in turn refer 7 people then you get 
paid to your level 7. That will result in an estimated $823,543 
per month. Now I'm not going to lie to you and say that this a 
realistic figure. 

The above figure is if everything goes perfect in your entire 
downline all the way down to your level 7 and well that simply 
doesn't happen in real life. So lets think more realistically, 
if the figure stated above applies to a perfect downline,
what would the figure be in real life; 

Well I have showed you the optimistic figure so now let me show 
you the pessimistic figure. If your downline were to go 98% wrong 
as opposed to 100% right you would still be making around $16,000 a month, 
pretty good for something that has only been 2% successfull! 
Just imagine if it does 20% or even 30% of what it's supposed to!

Remember, this is a monthly subscription, so you don't only get comission
once for every person in your downline, but EVERY SINGLE month as long as
they keep the subscription.

If you would like more information on this fantastic opportunity please 
reply to this email using "Monthly Income" as the subject.

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and thankyou for your time.

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