_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
                         SPECIAL EDITION!!
                  INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING 2001! 
    ***How to make a fortune with you computer starting today!***

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
  Marketing in today's world can be challenging. There is a way 
to increase your profits, deliver your message and DRIVE TRAFFIC
to your on-line business almost for free! Our research has found:

    Free Classifieds? (They just don't work anymore)
    Web Site? (Takes thousands of surfers)
    Banners? (Expensive and losing their punch)
    Search Engines? (Forget it, unless you're in the top 20)

            S O   W H A T   D O E S   W O R K ? 

Although often misunderstood, a different approach to marketing 
that has proven to succeed time-after-time is...

           E - M A I L   M A R K E T I N G ! !

IT'S A FACT...if you're not using your computer to generate
WEALTH, you're missing out!  

Here's what the experts have to say about E-Mail Marketing:

*  "A gold mine for those who can take advantage of
    bulk e-mail programs" -The New York Times

*  "E-mail is an incredible lead generation tool"
    -Crains Magazine

*  "Blows away traditional Mailing" -Advertising Age

Here's a realistic earnings example: 

We will show you how to market a product or service that will
bring a profit of $30. Remember, on the Internet, you can make
money 7 days a week, 24 hours a day... even while you sleep, 
orders will come from all over the world!  

Per Day     Daily         Weekly      Monthly      Yearly

   1       $ 30          $  210      $ 930       $ 10,950
   5       $ 150         $ 1,050     $ 4,650     $ 54,750
  10       $ 300         $ 2,100     $ 9,300     $ 109,500
  25       $ 750         $ 5,250     $ 23,250    $ 273,750
  50       $ 1,500       $ 10,500    $ 46,500    $ 547,500

That's over a half MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR!! We have many 
customers of INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING 2001! that are making
this kind of money while you read this!! Now, we are about
to show you how!

The way to build WEALTH with your computer is to reach thousands
of people daily and sell just a small percent of them a product 
or service! 

1. We show you how to reach 25 million people on the Internet!

2. We give you hundres of different products to sell them! 


 *** New - OVER 25 Million E-mail addresses - Just Released ***
The cleanest, most comprehensive e-mail address list in the
world!  We're proud to offer it.
                O N E   O F   A   K I N D
This is a first.  No one has gone to the work it takes to produce
an e-mail address list of this quality.
Here's how we prepare our e-mail lists:

1. We clean and eliminate all duplicates. 
2. Next, we use a filter list of 400+ words/phrases to clean even
3. Then, a special filter file is used to eliminate all
undeliverable and "Poisoned" e-mail addresses from the list.  Our
EXCLUSIVE system reduced these "poison" addresses to near zero. 
You may have seen CD's with 30, 40, 50 million addresses, not only
do they contain many undeliverable addresses, but most are 
notorious for millions of these "poisoned"  email addresses.
4. And finally, we sorted the list into easy-to-manage
packets of 20,000 addresses in a simple text (.txt) format. 
5. All domains have been verified as valid. 

             INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING 2001! 
           Over 25 Million Addresses Strong!
With our super clean e-mail address lists you'll send less...and
get better results... 
    * Y O U   G E T   W H A T   Y O U   P A Y   F O R *
Our INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING 2001! CD will result in:

* Higher Response Rates
* Higher Sales Conversion Ratios
* More Receptive prospects; Less Flames & Non-Buyers.
This is not a rental list that is restricted to a one-time
mailing.  You are purchasing an e-mail address list for your 
own personal mailings and may use it over-and-over.

DON'T HESITATE on this offer or you will miss out on the least
expensive, most effective way to market... PERIOD!

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

        F  R  E  E    B  O  N  U  S  E  S  

When you order we will include the following FREE Bonuses to 

1. To help you get started we include basic proven Professional
Mailing Software (PC Only).  This software has sold for as high
as $399.00 in the past.  Not a demo, but a full working version.
SUPPORT, however set-up instructions and help files are included.

2. Every survey has always indicated that the most profitable
product to sell on the Internet is INFORMATION! 

Our "BUSINESSES ON A CD" bonus gives you 650 reports/manuals/books
that are yours to use and sell.  With these "Special Reports" you
may instantly start your "Information Product" business... plus a
sample SALES LETTER is included to help you GET STARTED FAST!

3. "THE BULK E-MAIL SURVIVAL GUIDE"  A manual/guide that
addresses the Bulk E-Mail business.  Especially useful for
beginners.  "THE BULK E-MAIL SURVIVAL GUIDE" will answer
many of your questions and concerns about Bulk E-Mail.  An
exclusive for our customers... INCLUDED FREE.

4. "LISTMATE" - This is the software the Pro's use to manage
their mailing lists. 

5. "SCIENTIFIC ADVERTISING"!  This is the book that is
responsible for untold millions of dollars in sales and
profits.  Many of today's Internet "gurus" have used this
powerful book as the foundation for marketing courses that
they have written and sold for as much as $495. It's yours 
FREE with your order!

These bonuses are yours absolutely FREE when you order!

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

D O N ' T   H E S I T A T E  E-Marketing is the most
effective and fastest way to market anywhere... PERIOD!
And Internet Wealth Builiding 2001! is your GUARANTEED way
to start making your FORTUNE with the Internet TODAY! 

O R D E R   N O W . . . NEXTE DAY SERVICE (M-F) if your order
is received before 12pm Pacific.  24-hour fax service, just fax 
to:   1-310-943-6110.

To order, via credit card or check simply print and cut the
EZ ORDER FORM below and fax or mail to our office today.

                     SAVE $300.00 TODAY!!

        ***** INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING 2001!  *****
                  ***** NOW ONLY $99! *****

This "Special Price" is in effect until July 15, 2001.
After that we go back to our regular price of $399.00 ...
Don't delay... you can be in business tomorrow!  

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Checks.
You may Fax your credit card orders to:  1-310-943-6110.

------------------Print & Cut Order Form---------------------
  YES! I want everything! Include my FREE "Business On A CD" 
bonus along with your INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING 2001! CD for 
the special price of only $99.00!! 

I save $300.00 off the regular price of $399.00!

All orders shipped for FedEx OVERNIGHT.
Please include $15.00 additional for U.S Orders.
International orders add an additional $40 for shipping.
                ***Please Print Carefully***

NOTE:  Orders cannot be shipped without complete information.
Crdit cards must including your signature. 

COMPANY NAME____________________________________________

(FedEx can only ship to street addresses - no P.O. boxes)

CITY, STATE, ZIP________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER____________________________________________
(required for shipping & tracking) 
EMAIL ADDRESS___________________________________________
(Print Carefully - required to send you a confirmation 
that your order has been shipped) 


(Payable to American Financial network Inc.)

Credit Card orders please complete the following:
______VISA ______MASTERCARD _______AMEX_______

CREDIT CARD# __________________________________________
EXPIRATION DATE________________________________________
NAME ON CARD___________________________________________
TOTAL AMOUNT (Including Shipping): $___________________



I understand that I am purchasing the INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING
2001! CD, the addresses are not rented, but are mine to use for
my own mailing, over-and-over and All my Free Bonuses are 
included. As with all software, once opened the CD may not
be returned. However, if found defective it will be replaced
at no charge.

Mail to:
American Financial Network
Internet Wealth Building 2001!
311 N. Robertson Blvd.
Suite 625
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

For CREDIT CARD ORDERS you may fax this form to us at: 

1-310-943-6110    1-310-943-6110     1-310-943-6110.

This e-mail is never sent unsolicited! You have been sent this 
email because we received your e-mail address in an opt-in database
for individuals interested in money making opportunities. If this 
e-mail has reached you in error please respond to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with remove in the subject line.

Reply via email to