Good Morning!
Welcome to all our New Subscribers. Your suggestions, comments and opinions are always welcomed at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Under our New Articles Section of our Web site we have published three articles that we had written back in 1999/2000. They are titled "The Benedict Arnold Brigades" Parts I, II & III.
Part I explains the name, 'Benedict Arnold Brigades' and deals with the then current events..."that generic name by which we could  properly identify those individuals and/or groups of individuals who for many years have been practicing the 'Arnold Profession', i.e. that of Treason..." Click Here to see Part I
Part II ... "exposing some if not all of the participants in that evil conspiracy... We will also discuss the actions of some of those ‘Brigades’ of Traitors in previous American administrations and how they have affected the people... then and now."
Part III Discusses the Korean War and its aftermath, the Vietnam War and the 'Debacle' called the Cuban Invasion at the Bay of Pigs of 1961. Throughout the three parts you'll clearly see and will be able to follow the "Benedict Arnold Brigade's" undue influence on the outcome of each described 'incident'. Click Here to see Part III
Support H.R. 1146-TAKE ACTION...NOW!
We have also published information concerning H.R. 1146 "American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2001".
This proposed Bill which was originally sponsored by Ron Paul (R-TX) "will repeal the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified laws...The act directs the president to terminate U.S. participation in the United Nations (UN)...It requires closure of the U.S. Mission to the UN...The American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2001 is the only viable solution to the continued abuses of the United Nations...George Washington advised us to 'steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world'...
We urge you to support Ron Paul and H.R. 1146- Free our Nation from the New World Order & the United Nations.
 The Liberty Committee-701 W. Broad St., 5th Floor- Falls Church, VA 22046
Phone: 703-241-1003 -- Fax: 703-241-8885 
Thank you for your time!
Keep your spirits HIGH and continue Fighting The Good Fight!
Alex V. Martinez... ROAR FREEDOM!
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