>>Friedman himself points to "dark-age" Iceland as an example of a 
perfectly functional anarchy, a successful society operating functionally 
in the absence of "public" law. <<

Friedman discredited on Iceland SEE...
Ordered Anarchy, State, And Rent-Seeking: The Icelandic Commonwealth, 930-1262
Birgir T. Runolfsson Solvason's PhD thesis. "I will not discuss my 
dissatisfaction with some political interpretations that I do not think are 
justified; such as claiming that the Commonwealth is an example of 
libertarianism or anarcho-capitalism in practice (see Friedman 
1989a;1989b). This interpretation of the Commonwealth is not warranted, and 
the reasons for why it is not, will become apparent in this thesis."
Is Medieval Iceland an example of "anarcho"-capitalism working in practice?
An excellent left-libertarian refutation of this position. Part of An 
Anarchist FAQ Webpage. Some rebuttals are available at David Friedman's 
home page.
small wonder he lives in a high taxing state,like Mongo,he is a rank hypocrite.

 >>No one, in considerably more than a decade of his promoting the idea on 
the net and discussing it in places like cypherpunks and elsewhere, has 
pointed to a prior claim on any idea even remotely approaching 
Cryto-Anarchy in it's originality. And it is the idea of Crypto-Anarchy, 
whether anyone knows about it or not, that makes Tim May probably the most 
influential person on the net today. <<

You can retire now Mongo,stop being the embarrassing older relative with 
the bad manners and worse breath.
If you stick around you'll just be torn to bits by the young lions,they 
know now that you can bleed so they'll start to work on the wound.You don't 
want that do you? Just say 'anarchy is as anarchy does' and go and raise 
turnips or something.

 >>Wagner and Nietzsche<<

Prefer Stirner to N,less to read and twice as useful.As for W,did I tell 
about the time him and Bakunin were fighting in the streets in Dresden in 
48? W may have even modelled Siegfried on Bakky.Kulture on C/punks! 
Who'dave thunk it!?

 >>So, I suppose that, rather than killing the all the lawyers, :-), people 
who do strong cryptography on the internet are doing something even better, 
to my mind. They're actually making the legal professions unprofitable. If 
we must thump our chests like ubermenschen,<<


  >cypherpunks are actually just threatening to starve lawyers, and their 
children, into submission.<<

I can live with that.Tell me a boatload of lawyers just sank.

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