
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Manuel Quiñones <ma...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Hi Jehan,
>> I am working lately with a professional graphical animator (me being a
>> developer). We are working on making an animation fully with Free
>> Softwares.
>> We have tried a few Free Softwares and are testing them quite a bit
>> daily, hence have some idea about what exists and not, but there is
>> definitely more to know about the topic. Our current workflow
>> involves:
>> - GIMP for drawing. It could involve mypaint as well, or Inkscape for
>> vector animation (we do raster graphics, here).
> If you are a developer, you can consider my animation branch of
> mypaint as a starting point:
> https://gitorious.org/~manuq/mypaint/xsheet-mypaint

would you have anything more than just a repository? A website with a
description of the difference, screenshots, tutorials?
That's probably interesting but knowing what this is before compiling
is a little more appealing.

Also do you intend on patching upstream or keeping a parallel version
(or even make a completely new software dedicated to animation from
this fork)?

> We did a complete short film with it so kind of works.  I would like
> to convert it to a real traditional animation software in the future,
> when I find time.

I don't say that this is not a good idea. But even traditional
animation workflows involve several software programs (often the Adobe
ones, like Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, etc.).
And I believe this should be also the way to go for Free Software.That
allows to have exchangeable bricks. So if we don't like one drawing
program for instance, you can just switch to another, but keep your
compositing/sequencer/rendering/audio tools.

That's one of the stuff I disliked about the GAP plugin for GIMP (that
I checked out because it was cited a lot on the web). It just tries to
do everything, but not well, and in a way very difficult to manage.

Anyway not saying that your program is a bad idea, I haven't even
tried it yet. And I will definitely keep an eye on it. But just: are
you sure there is a need for a single program which will do
Thanks anyway, I'll check it out.


> --
> .. manuq ..
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