For LGM-participants that are still around in Madrid on Sunday, post-LGM, 
Medialab Prado has organised a very special tour to two printing houses:

*Medialab-Prado in Madrid and the Printing Industry*

A guided tour organised by the Make Barrio workstation, coordinated by David 

The aim of these visits is to meet two of the oldest cultural industries 
MedialabPrado environment related graphic production. Since the sixteenth 
century the Juan de la Cuesta Printing inhabits the old house of the former St. 
Carmen Hospitalillo. During the Siglo de Oro, the literary and theatrical 
community bustled around this printer who came in record time to publish the 
first edition of Don Quixote. Today, this spirit is maintained by the 
activities of the cultural center of the Cervantes Society.

The once Imprenta Municipal de Madrid (Municipal Printing) inhabits a beautiful 
rationalist building, a collection of machines that until recently almost 
exclusively printed entire graphic production of the City of Madrid, and a 
workshop “live” where they are still engaged in productive activities. The 
proposed visit, what is all this legacy, but mostly to see how even develops a 
graphic workshop in this institution.

Start of the visit Sunday 14 April 10h.45 Medialab Prado at the Belgian Sawmill
11h. Printing Juan de la Cuesta (See Cervantes Society), Calle Atocha 87
12h. Museo de la Imprenta Municipal – Artes del Libro Calle. Concepción 
Jerónima, 15

Free access; be on time!
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