Great news, specially for people from latinamerica an Chile, where I´m
writing now.
Congrats and see you in LGM 2017 Brasil!

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Ricardo Vega M.  *|  Fulbright  |  MFA D&T Parsons**  |  Académico Diseño
*@ricardov_cl  | <> | 56 9 5201 8501
 |  Santiago, Chile*

2015-11-21 17:07 GMT-03:00 Louis Desjardins <>:

> Hi all,
> It’s a pleasure to announce today that a consensus has been reached among
> participants in the LGM organization towards Brazil for the LGM location
> in 2017.
> LGM 2017 will take place during 4 days in the period between 15-Apr-2017
> and 31-May-2017.
> The conference will be hosted either in a University on Niteroi city
> Municipality or in the city of Rio de Janeiro. We are now entering in
> conversations to secure a nice place. Connections with local developer and
> designer (users) community will be prioritized.
> *Dates* and *venue* will be announced within the next few weeks.
> Looking forward for a super LGM #12 in 2017!
> Cheers!
> Louis
> For the LGM oganization
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