Dear All,

Here my revision of P81, P82. I have added the phrases in bold, and added examples. This should go into version 7.0. I have kept the quantification many to one, because keeping simultaneously multiple estimates is aquestion of provenance. If the maintainers of the KB believe all estimates are correct, they should replace them by the estimate as described in bold, and document the arguments for the individual periods. On the other side, if they decide to keep different time-spans for the same period per estimate, the query mechanism should compute and evaluate based on the resulting estimate as described in bold.

Please comment.




"P81 ongoing throughout" (at least)

και "P82 at some time within"(at most) :

P81 ongoing throughout
Domain: E52 <#_E52_Time-Span> Time-Span
Range: E61 <#_E61_Time_Primitive> Time Primitive
Quantification:    many to one, necessary (1,1:0,n)

Scope note:         This property associates an instance of E52 Time-Span with an instance of E61 Time Primitive specifying a minimum period of time covered by it. Since Time-Spans may not have precisely known temporal extents, the CIDOC CRM supports statements about the minimum and maximum temporal extents of Time-Spans. This property allows  a Time-Span’s minimum temporal extent (i.e. its inner boundary) to be assigned an E61 Time Primitive value. Time Primitives are treated by the CIDOC CRM as application or system specific date intervals, and are not further analysed. *If different sources of evidence justify different minimum extents without contradicting each other, the smallest interval including these extents will be the best estimate.**This should be taken into account for information integration.
Examples:       *   The time-span of the development of the CIDOC CRM(E52) /ongoing throughout/ 1996-2019(E61) (observed until time of documentation 1.1.2020)                          *   The time-span of the construction of the imperial palace in Beijing under Emperor Yong Le(E52) /ongoing throughout/ 1407-1419 (E61)

P82 at some time within
Domain: E52 <#_E52_Time-Span> Time-Span
Range: E61 <#_E61_Time_Primitive> Time Primitive
Quantification:    many to one, necessary (1,1:0,n)

Scope note:         This property describes the maximum period of time within which an E52 Time-Span falls. Since Time-Spans may not have precisely known temporal extents, the CIDOC CRM supports statements about the minimum and maximum temporal extents of Time-Spans. This property allows  a Time-Span’s maximum temporal extent (i.e. its outer boundary) to be assigned an E61 Time Primitive value. Time Primitives are treated by the CIDOC CRM as application or system specific date intervals, and are not further analysed. *If different sources of evidence justify different maximum extents ***without contradicting each other*, the resulting intersection of these extents will be the best estimate. **This should be taken into account for information integration.

Examples:  * The time-span of the development of the CIDOC CRM (E52) /at some time within/ 1992-infinity (E61)                     * The time-span of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (E52) /at some time within 9AD (E61)/ /                    * /The time-span of the construction of the imperial palace in Beijing under Emperor Yong Le (E52) /at some time within/ 1406-1420(E61) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece

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