Dear all,

If one uses the CRM family extensions, then I assume one models a file as a
D1. If one uses CRMbase, I assume one models it as an E73. This ultimately
means it is an intellectual and not physical object. Intellectual objects
in CRM can be created but not modified. Any modification create a new

There is a problem then in representing that a file has been modified. You
can say that a file was created through E65 Creation p94 has created or D7
Digital Event P11 had output . This indicates that the file has been made,
once. But what if I change it? Then it seems I have to create a new
instance of E73 or D1. But in actual fact, I treat it as the same.

In the Parthenos Project we came up with the notion of a Volatile Digital
object whose identity came through its being managed. This means you could
create versions or a persistent object which linked to one volatile object,
like the working copy of a text doc.

Do other projects have other strategies? Should we consider moving the
Parthenos Entities modelling of volatile vs persistent digital objects into
CRM dig to account for this very common situation.

For Parthenos modelling example in the abstact see p.51 and after:

Thanks for your thoughts.

All best,

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