
As a (very) occasional contributor to CRM development, I'm confused
about the Working Groups concept. The current issues list [1] has
Working Group as a key concept, although only an insider would have the
first idea what '1', '2', '3' and '4' might signify.  In your document
you appear to propose an incompatible change to the semantics of these
magic workgroup numbers. Also, recording which workgroup the issue falls
within isn't part of the information which you require for a new issue. 
Surely it's a key item of information to include?

I can see the sense in starting with issues which affect the core model
as (1), then going to editorial changes to the specification as (2).
Logically, though, I would then go to documentation which is further
from the core model as (3), and finish up with community as (4).

Are we only allowed four numbers?  If not, I would suggest adding
'implementation/interfaces' as (5). This would encompass issues relating
to the implementation of the CRM in systems, and the interface between
the CRM model and other ontologies/models/standards.  I think it's an
important area of work, and maybe it hasn't received the attention it
deserves because it doesn't have a magic number. :-)

Final point: the guidelines are silent on the process by which an issue
number is assigned to an issue.  Given that this is its primary key, I
think it should be made clear how, and when, it comes into existence.

Best wishes,



On 18/10/2020 17:02, George Bruseker wrote:
> Dear all,
> A very long time ago, a discussion was started about better
> documenting how to raise and manage issues in the CRM SIG. 
> The issue is still open and my name is on the homework. 
> The issue is documented here:
> I have written a text attempting to answer to the issue:
> I think essentially we want to update this:
> It is obviously a very large issue and I have had a first go at the text. 
> Your thoughts and insights and further additions/changes/questions
> would make this issue move forward I imagine. Thanks for your ideas
> and comments.
> Best,
> George
> Vice Chair CIDOC CRM SIG
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