Dear all,

Given the packed agenda of the CRM SIG, we were not able to talk about
named graphs during the course of this SIG.

I would hope to move the conversation forward significantly between now and
the next SIG in parallel with the work on issue 382

To this end, together with CHIN, I have compiled a survey on named graph
use, that I would invite people/organizations in the community who are
interested in the question to answer. CHIN is actively researching this
issue and will compile the data and share it back to respondents and the
community in support of a general CIDOC CRM SIG recommendation on the use
of named graphs (similar to the RDF recommendation document work).

The survey can be retrieved here:


George Bruseker

On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 4:21 PM George Bruseker <>

> Dear all,
> As a complement to the work going on in issue 382 on where to document and
> where not to document provenance, I suggest a parallel avenue of
> research/work related to the implementation of named graphs for data sets
> using CIDOC CRM. As named graphs are now commonly used in semantic data
> management, it seems apropos as a community to have a recommendation of
> good practice similar to what we have done with the RDF implementation
> document (outside of the spec, but related to real world use).
> This issue is something that is especially of interest to organizations
> involved in and intending to implement aggregations of CH datasets where
> the issue of named graphs have to do, inter alia, with both questions of
> provenance but also questions of maintenance and updating of the semantic
> data graph.
> To this end, together with Philippe Michon and the team at CHIN, we have
> been putting together a set of questions, to try to pick out the actual
> practice of named graph usage in the CIDOC CRM community as a basis from
> which to create a empirically grounded best practice
> recommendation/strategy.
> Time permitting, we would like to share our current ideas/questions during
> the SIG, and then share a survey with the community.
> Otherwise, we can continue this conversation virtually.
> Best,
> George
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