Very interesting!

>From the wikipedia article, the Radif is:
    a collection of old melodies that have been handed down by the masters
to the students through the generations

Which is very interesting if taken literally as it requires *two* classes
we don't have -- a collection class for non-physical things [dare I say in
this context that yes I am banging that drum?] and a class for a Melody to
parallel Visual and Linguistic sub-classes of Information Object.  Once
there is a set of melodies, this can be the specific object of the
activities where the tradition is passed on.

I wonder about the use of Type without further properties or activities, as
it's currently impossible to relate a concept to other classes.  An example
which came up here recently is the precoordinated headings with temporal,
personal and geographic facets ... for example "History (E55 Type) of 15th
Century (E4 Period) France (E53 Place)". Clearly History of 15th Century
France is a Type, but one that should be able to be related to the Period
and Place.


On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 3:10 PM Martin Doerr <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Massoomeh Niknia from Kharazmi University| Tehran, Iran brought this to my
> attention:
> "I have a list of Iranian Intangible cultural heritage works (E71) and
> each of them has an origin from one or more than one province (E53) of
> Iran. for example "Radif of Iranian music" belongs to a province which is
> called "Khorasan".
> I would like to know how can I make a relationship between the works (
> Iranian Intangible cultural heritage) to their origins. I suppose I need to
> show their relations by making an special activity (like belonging,
> influencing, etc.) but unfortunately I couldn't find such a property in the
> Model. "
> See also and
> .
> I think that we have o consider a combination of the LRM concept of Work
> and modelling collective behavior. It may reach the limits of what we can
> do with modeling the past by identifiable individuals. It may also be
> regarded as an E55 Type? It should be connected to particular performance
> modelling, particular artists, may be even particular instruments.
> All the best,
> Martin
> --
> ------------------------------------
>  Dr. Martin Doerr
>  Honorary Head of the
>  Center for Cultural Informatics
>  Information Systems Laboratory
>  Institute of Computer Science
>  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
>  N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
>  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
>  Vox:+30(2810)391625
>  Email:
>  Web-site:
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