Thank you all for this vote also.

I count 7 Yes, and none opposed.

I will integrate the modifications.


Pat Riva
Acting University Librarian / Bibliothécaire en chef par intérim
Concordia University / Université Concordia
1455 de Maisonneuve West, LB-331
Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8

From: Crm-sig <> on behalf of Pat Riva via Crm-sig 
Sent: March 20, 2022 4:32 PM
To: CRM-SIG <>
Subject: [Crm-sig] Call for e-vote: LRMoo R26

Hello all,

Continuing with issues partially discussed but not actually voted at SIG#52 in 

In the document for Issue 360: HW: F28 Expression 
 we did not complete the fourth part, relating to deprecating LRMoo property 
R26 produced things of type (was produced by).

R26 links the F32 Carrier Production Event directly to E99 Product Type.
This is superfluous because property R27 materialized (was materialized by) 
links F32 Carrier Production Event to F3 Manifestation, and the F3 that is 
produced via F32 is necessarily multiply instantiated as E99. There is no need 
to link F32 directly to E99.
Therefore, the proposal is to deprecate R26.

For consistency, delete the last sentence of F32 scope note (highlighted in 
italics) which refers to R26.

*Please vote Yes to accept the proposal to deprecate R26 (and to remove the 
sentence referring to it from the F32 scope note), or No to reject the 
proposal. If voting No, please explain. I will summarize the results to the 
list on April 3.

For reference, the relevant scope notes follow.

R26 produced things of type (was produced by)
Domain:    F32 Carrier Production Event
Range:       E99 Product Type
Subproperty of: E12 Production. P186 produced thing of product type (is 
produced by): E99 Product Type
Quantification: (1,n:0,n)
Scope note:     This property associates an instance of F32 Carrier Production 
Event directly with the instance of E99 Product Type that is the prototype 
displaying the features that all of the F5 Items produced should display. This 
property is used in preference to R27 materialized (was materialized by) when 
the instance of F3 Manifestation that is materialized by the instance of F32 
Carrier Production Event is also an instance of E99 Product Type.

R27 materialized (was materialized by)
Domain:     F32 Carrier Production Event
Range:        F3 Manifestation
Subproperty of: E7 Activity. P16 used specific object (was used for): E70 Thing
Quantification: (0,n:0,n)
Scope note:    This property associates an instance of F32 Carrier Production 
Event with the set of signs provided by the publisher to be carried by all of 
the produced items (i.e., the instances of F5 Item) and any other physical 
features foreseen as integral to the instance of F3 Manifestation that is 

F32 Carrier Production Event
Subclass of:     E12 Production
Scope note:    This class comprises activities that result in instances of F5 
Item coming into existence. Both the production of a series of physical objects 
(printed books, scores, CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and the creation of a new 
copy of a file on an electronic carrier are regarded as instances of F32 
Carrier Production Event.
Typically, the production of copies of a publication (no matter whether it is a 
book, a sound recording, a DVD, a cartographic resource, etc.) strives to 
produce items all as similar as possible to a prototype that displays all the 
features that all the copies of the publication should also display, which is 
reflected in the property R27 materialized: F3 Manifestation. In the case where 
the instance of F3 Manifestation that is materialized is also an instance of 
E99 Product Type, the property R26 produced things of type is the preferred 
method to associate the instance of F32 Carrier Production Event directly with 
the instance of E99 Product Type.

Thanks, Pat

Pat Riva
Acting University Librarian / Bibliothécaire en chef par intérim
Concordia University / Université Concordia
1455 de Maisonneuve West, LB-331
Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8

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