Hello all yet again!

 has member (is member of) was discussed in October 2021, during SIG51. And had 
been discussed a few times prior to that. However, no vote was taken at SIG51 
and the decision was deferred. We ran out of time to return to the discussion 
during SIG52 in February. It is time to take a vote and move on.

The proposal is to deprecated R10 has member (is member of) which relates two 
instances of F1 Work. This property is from FRBRoo where it served to gather 
and link instances of F14 Individual Work into F15 Complex Works. All these 
subclasses of F1 Work have been deprecated in LRMoo, and furthermore, R10 does 
not not correspond to any relationship in LRMer.

If the deprecation of R10 is accepted, then it is necessary to adjust R67 has 
part (forms part of), linking an instance of F1 Work to a larger instance of F1 
Work, by removing the final paragraph and modifying its superproperty.

Vote Yes if you support deprecating R10 (and adjusting R67 in consequence), 
vote No if you do not, preferably with an explanation. Indicate VETO if you 
consider this issue needs to be discussed at a SIG.

Please vote by April 10 and I will summarize for the list.

a) Current definition of R10 has member (is member of)

Domain: F1 Work

Range: F1 Work

Superproperty of: F1 Work. R67 has part (is part of): F1 Work

Subproperty of: E89 Propositional Object. P148 has component (is component of): 
E89 Propositional Object

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

Scope note: This property associates an instance of F1 Work with another 
instance of F1 Work that forms a part of it. This property is transitive. An 
instance of F1 Work may neither directly nor indirectly be a member of itself. 
Instances of F1 Work that are not members of one another may not share a common 

b) Current definition of R67 has part (forms part of)

Domain: F1 Work

Range: F1 Work

Subproperty of: F1 Work. R10 has member (is member of): F1 Work

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

Scope note: This property associates an instance of F1 Work with another 
instance of F1 Work that forms part of it in a complementary role to other 
sibling parts, conceived at some point in time to form together a logical 
whole, such as the parts of a trilogy. This property is transitive.

In contrast, the property R10 has member (is member of) may, for instance, also 
associate with the overall instance of F1 Work translations, adaptations and 
other derivative works that do not form a logical whole with sibling parts.

Changes for R67 if R10 is deprecated :

a) Modify superproperty to be the superproperty of the deprecated R10:

Subproperty of: E89 Propositional Object. P148 has component (is component of): 
E89 Propositional Object

b) Delete the 2nd paragraph of the scope note.

In contrast, the property R10 has member (is member of) may, for instance, also 
associate with the overall instance of F1 Work translations, adaptations and 
other derivative works that do not form a logical whole with sibling parts.

Pat Riva
Acting University Librarian / Bibliothécaire en chef par intérim
Concordia University / Université Concordia
1455 de Maisonneuve West, LB-331
Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8

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