Dear all,

This issue is about the quantification of the new property (accepted in the 
52nd meeting). First of all, we forgot about the three new properties AP 29-31. 
So the number of  AP29 must be changed to AP32.

Achille, Gerald and I have discussed the quantification and came to the 
following conclusion

The first part of the quantification of AP29(32) (0, n) is fine since it seems 
obvious to us that the same instance of A1 Excavation Processing Unit may 
discard matter into multiple heaps, unless there is a clearly establishing 
criterion of close correspondence between each A1 and the heap in which the 
material extracted from it is discarded. We don't think this criterion can 
always be followed,  so we would keep the quantification as broad as possible 
to enclose all the possible cases that could occur during an excavation.

We equally believe that the material produced during an A1 Excavation 
Processing Unit can be discarded into any heap, but also  simply thrown away 
without any order or exported to be deposited elsewhere, thereby breaking any 
close correspondence between the excavation and the deposit.

In conclusion, our opinion  that the "(0,n:0,n) many to many" is the right 
quantification. We also think that quantification, once decided, does not have 
to be motivated in the scope notes. Such a motivation is not found in the 
scopenotes for the other six properties with A1 Excavation Processing Unit, see 
below. If a motivation of the quantification is deemed necessary for AP29(32) 
then it is necessary for the other six properties as well. the others as well. 
All of these have the quantification (0,n:0,n) many to many.

These properties are:

 produced (was produced by): 
 Amount of Matter

 discarded (was discarded by): 
 Amount of Matter

 produced surface (was surface produced by): A10 Excavation Interface

 removed part or all of (was partially or totally removed by): 
 Stratigraphic Unit

 intended to approximate (was approximated by): 
 Stratigraphic Interface

 destroyed (was destroyed by): 
 Segment of Matter


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