Yes, I have that as well. In fact the project started with an index.html files 
which let you create a p2 file for import purpose.
I had added the extra files for search engine after :)

I may demonstrate some of this at EclipseCon.

On 2013-03-15, at 5:57 AM, Ralf Sternberg wrote:
> Great idea! Not only are p2 repositories not search-engine friendly,
> the fact that links to p2 repositories often lead to a 404 due to a
> missing index.html lets some users assume that "there is nothing".
> While it's possible to create index files manually, some kind of a
> uniform appearance would help users to recognize a p2 repository
> immediately. Ideally, I think an index.html should be generated
> together with the metadata files that is both search-engine and human
> readable.
> Ralf
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