Internally the preferences are already organized in "scopes" that are:

-          Project

-          Workspace

-          Configuration

-          (There is no such thing as "system")

However the user does not have a say as in the scope in which a value should be 
stored. This is mostly because creating a UI for this is hard (we explored some 
things back in the 3.0 days when we introduced the scope mechanism).

[] On Behalf Of Henrik
Sent: July-15-13 12:45 PM
To: Cross project issues
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] Preferences (topic was touched in "Eclipse 
smells kind of dead" thread)

Hi all,

I know that preferences can be imported/exported.
Yet I find it a bit cumbersome to care about that every time I create a new 

Wouldn't it make sense to have preferences arranged in several layers similar 
to git: system/user/workspace?

Also I could imagine to offer a web page with collections of preference 
They could be ordered in categories (maybe aligned to the packaged Eclipse 
And we could offer a possibility for users to cast their vote to be able to 
rank the settings.

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