> A frequent complaint is that Eclipse contains too many things for usage,
so many UI entries make usage more complicated and confusing. I can imagine
that people doing some GMF stuff really don't want  WTP at all because it
introduce a lot of new menus, so a GMF user which is used to the Modeling
package would spend more time to find the relevant menus for his work, and
this is pretty annoying.

I agree to that, users already find the Eclipse IDE overloaded. If you have
only one download with everything, Eclipse will feel more overloaded and
bloated to users.

Maybe http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ can show only the 5 most popular
distributions with a "MORE" button to show the other packages. I think it
used to be that way in the past, but I may be wrong here.

2013/7/30 Mickael Istria <mist...@redhat.com>

>  On 07/30/2013 12:35 AM, Konstantin Komissarchik wrote:
> Would user experience be better if there was only one Eclipse package on
> the main download site that had pretty much everything that’s in the
> aggregated repository?
> I really don't think so.
> Packages are a good way to start which includes most available relevant
> stuff for release-train.
>  ****
> 1. *The package would be too large.* With modern download speeds, I
> suspect most users would rather wait a few minutes longer for Eclipse to
> download than spend time later trying to figure out how to install the
> missing pieces. The disk space difference is also inconsequential these
> days.****
> A lot of people would feel better with something lighter to achieve the
> same goal. If Eclipse goes to 1.5G to download whereas NetBeans is 200M,
> people would probably try NetBeans first, and adopt it.
>  ** **2. *The users prefer to not include pieces in their installation
> that they don’t use.* I can see that being the case for some advanced
> Eclipse users, but I don’t believe this holds true across the user base. I
> suspect that most users would rather spend time on their development
> project than tuning their Eclipse installation.
> A frequent complaint is that Eclipse contains too many things for usage,
> so many UI entries make usage more complicated and confusing. I can imagine
> that people doing some GMF stuff really don't want WTP at all because it
> introduce a lot of new menus, so a GMF user which is used to the Modeling
> package would spend more time to find the relevant menus for his work, and
> this is pretty annoying.
>  ****
> ** **3. *Too many plugins in one installation leads to poor user
> experience.* If there are problems like that, we should be identifying
> and fixing them.****
> Eclipse is very heterogeneous in term of quality and ergonomics. That's
> something I'm afraid that can't be fixed easily because of the community
> being heterogeneous itself. Just hoping we increase and unify the usage
> experience for all projects in the release train seems totally unachievable.
>  ** **Thoughts?** **
> Although people complain about installation taking some time, it's a
> yearly effort. Having a single package with everything installed introduce
> a lot of noise to end-user which can be very annoying and reduce
> productivity every day. I really think that good IDEs are not the ones that
> do everything, but rather the ones that do correctly what we want to do.
> Packages are not-that-bad, and it appears that most of them already have
> an interesting number of downloads, so they are actually useful to
> end-users. I don't see any indicator saying that they are bad for adoption
> of Eclipse.
> --
> Mickael Istria
> Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
> My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My 
> Tweets<http://twitter.com/mickaelistria>
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