On 2013-10-07, at 7:03 AM, Thanh Ha <thanh...@eclipse.org> wrote:

> I've been meaning to write something up about this but haven't had the time. 
> If you use the commandline there's a handy python script [1] that makes the 
> Gerrit experience a little easier.
> The gist of it is that it's a bunch of shortcuts to working with the Gerrit 
> workflow. For example "git review -d <change#>" will pull down a change and 
> create a local branch for it automatically. No more copy/pasting the long 
> commands that Gerrit provides.
> Maybe something similar can be integrated into Egit?

Yeah, um, there is some tooling for that. It's called Mylyn Reviews. ;D

1. Open the Review editor for that change.
2. Scroll down to the last patch set.
3. Click "Fetch".

Glad to see so much discussion around this!

I think the most important point was made by a couple of people -- it doesn't 
really hurt to at least enable it.

There is a really important network effect here for contributors that I'd like 
to point out. People talk about there being a lot to learn to get up to speed 
on Gerrit -- that's true to some extent, but it's a one time cost and the EGit 
and Reviews tooling helps. The point is that once you know how to make and 
accept contributions to one project, it's the exact same process for every 
other project. As more and more projects move to Gerrit, this will become the 
expected way to contribute. I personally would be *much* more likely to 
contribute to a project that had Gerrit enabled -- and that was actually the 
impetus for my post…wanting to contribute something to a project that hadn't 
yet been enabled. (And no, I won't name names.. ;))

> On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Ian Bull <irb...@eclipsesource.com> wrote:
>> I really like the flow that Gerrit provides. Pushing commits is easier than
>> creating patchs and uploading them. However, I find with Gerrit (or our use
>> of Gerrit) is that the discussion is now spread across multiple mediums.
>> Bugs / feature requests come in on bugzilla where some discussion happens. A
>> change-set then appears are Gerrit where more discussion happens. Further
>> requirements / ideas appear back on the bug and suddenly the change is
>> updated. I find it difficult to follow the discussion. With bugzilla (or our
>> use of it), all discussions (from conception, to requirements, to design, to
>> implementation, to delivery) happen in one continuos thread.
>> I'm not sure how the more experienced Gerrit users deal with this.
> Gerrit developers try to do most discussion on the change itself, and
> avoid using the mailing list or the bug tracker to discuss something.
> But we have a similar opinion that the fractured discussion is not
> useful.

Right. For me, it's really the worst aspect of Gerrit. I find myself struggling 
to remember whether a discussion happened on a bug or on a review. It makes it 
even more interesting, because there isn't a one-to-one mapping between reviews 
and bugs as many people assume. There may even be cross-cutting concerns, so 
while there is a primary bug, we really need to be able to support more complex 
references. In general we need much better traciblity between defects and 
reviews -- that's something we're really interested in as an active dev topic.

> It might be interesting to think about having some sort of plugin in
> Gerrit that can grab comments from the related bug and include them
> interleaved by timestamp with Gerrit events, so the entire discussion
> is visible in one place on the Gerrit web UI.
> _______________________________________________

Yes, this is something that would be really interesting to take a look at for 
Mylyn Reviews dashboard UI! (cc'ing Mylyn Reviews list for any follow-up on 
that, please exclude x-platform from any related follow-up.)

Miles T. Parker | Tasktop Labs | Tasktop Technologies  
web: http://tasktop.com  | blog: http://milesparker.blogspot.com  

Committer: Eclipse Mylyn Reviews, R4E, Virgo
Lead: Eclipse Mylyn MFT, AMP 

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