Hi Eike,

AFAIK you can only install into an ".app" folder if the product was also 
created as such. It’s some magic in p2 that is triggered when the root folder 
is set to "<whatever>.app" (at build time). That deploys the MacOS launcher 
right into the root folder instead of a nested "Eclipse.app" folder.


Am 10.12.2013 um 07:52 schrieb Eike Stepper <step...@esc-net.de>:

> Thank you for the infos. I've found the code that causes my trouble. It's in 
> DirectorApplication.initializeProfile():
>      if (org.eclipse.osgi.service.environment.Constants.OS_MACOSX.equals(os) 
> && destination.getName().endsWith(".app"))
>      {
>        env += ',' + org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.spi.Constants.MACOSX_BUNDLED 
> + "=true"; //$NON-NLS-1$
>      }
> That implies (and I've tested) that the problem goes away if the destination 
> does *not* end with ".app". I'm not a Mac user myself and I have no clue what 
> the consequences are when I leave the ".app" out. Does it impact the way the 
> application is / can be started? Pascal told me that the cool Mac users 
> install into *.app folders because that would flatten out the nested 
> Profile.app folder somehow, which is true in my cross-platform Hudson build 
> for an RCP product. But I found that the Eclipse SDK always appears with a 
> nested Eclipse.app folder, whether the root folder ends with ".app" or not.
> Fails: director -repository "http://download.eclipse.org/releases/luna"; 
> -installIU org.eclipse.sdk.ide -profileProperties 
> "org.eclipse.update.install.features=true" -p2.os macosx -p2.ws cocoa 
> -p2.arch x86_64 -destination *Eclipse.app*
> Works: director -repository "http://download.eclipse.org/releases/luna"; 
> -installIU org.eclipse.sdk.ide -profileProperties 
> "org.eclipse.update.install.features=true" -p2.os macosx -p2.ws cocoa 
> -p2.arch x86_64 -destination *Eclipse*
> Cheers
> /Eike
> ----
> http://www.esc-net.de
> http://thegordian.blogspot.com
> http://twitter.com/eikestepper
> Am 09.12.2013 16:07, schrieb David M Williams:
>>> Is someone actively working on a fix?
>> It's hard to speak for "everyone", but I am not. Contributions welcome.
>> To summarize my understanding of the issue (which is easily the wrong 
>> understanding) is that p2 introduced this new IU
>> filter (macosx-bundled) that should be "transparent" to everyone; that we 
>> (in Platform, and Sim. Release repo) do not
>> want this "phantom IU filter"; we have no plans to support or provide it; 
>> and most important, I do not know how to "get
>> rid if it". (There's some vague suggestion that "every time a repo is 
>> mirrored it has to be filtered out" ... but I
>> don't really know what that means or why we should have to if "transparent" 
>> to everyone.)
>> You don't say ... are you trying to make use of the "macosx-bundled" filter? 
>> Or the legacy layout? If the former, I
>> think you can't ... if the latter, you may be able to refine your filter 
>> statement.
>> Again, contributions welcome, and bug 407588 is likely best place to discuss 
>> the issues.
>> Thanks,
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